2nd Fort Chip Truth Scanning Information Gathering

Join us for the 2nd Fort Chip Truth Scanning Information Gathering on August 22nd and 23rd at the Fort Chip Arbour. This information gathering is open to all community members!

Mikisew Cree First Nation is seeking any urban residential school survivors whom are interested in attending the 2nd Truth Scanning Gathering. The gathering will be taking place in Fort Chipewyan on August 22nd and 23rd.

Travel to and from the gathering will be supported and meals will be accommodated at the gathering. There will be no honorariums provided and private accommodations will be your responsibility.

If there is any interest, please contact Denise Steinhauer at 587-598-3344 before August 15, 2022 at 12:00PM.

There are limited spots available.

View Event Schedule here