MCFN Community BBQ

We are excited to announce that we are having a Mikisew Cree Family BBQ! All Mikisew Members are welcome to join at the various locations. 

This is a perfect time to catch up with Chief and Council and your fellow Mikisew Cree Community Members. 

Come out and try your luck with Prizes, Games and Door Prizes! 

Hope to See you there. 

Hiy Hiy

Registration for upcoming BBQ’s per location. 

Fort McMurray Mikisew Cree Members, Mikisew Picnic in the Park – August 20th –

Edmonton Mikisew Cree Members Mikisew Picnic in the Park – August 23 –

High Level Mikisew Cree Members Mikisew Picnic in the Park – August 26 –

Fort Smith Mikisew Cree Members Mikisew Picnic in the Park – August 29 –